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Our highly skilled team is committed to providing you with aesthetic and long-lasting results. Discover how All on 4 and All on 6 can improve your quality of life, restoring confidence in your smile.

Initial Consultation

Like with traditional dental implants, the process begins with an initial consultation with a dental implant specialist. During this appointment, the dentist will assess your oral health, discuss your medical history, and determine if you're a suitable candidate for the "All-on-4" or "All-on-6" treatment.

Treatment Planning

Once eligibility is confirmed, the dentist will create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs. This plan will outline the number of implants required (either four or six), the placement locations, and any additional procedures necessary.

CT Scan and 3D Imaging

To precisely plan the implant placement, a CT scan and 3D imaging may be conducted. These advanced imaging techniques allow the dentist to assess the condition of your jawbone, identify potential anatomical challenges, and plan the optimal placement of the implants.

Implant Surgery

The next step involves the surgical placement of the dental implants. For "All-on-4" or "All-on-6" treatments, the implants are strategically placed in specific locations within the jawbone to maximize stability and support for the prosthetic restoration.

Immediate Temporary Prosthesis

Following implant placement, a temporary prosthetic restoration is attached to the implants on the same day. This temporary bridge or denture provides immediate aesthetics and function while the implants heal.

Healing and Osseointegration

Over the following months, the implants will undergo a process called osseointegration, where they fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. This integration process is crucial for the long-term stability and success of the implants.

Final Prosthesis Placement

Once osseointegration is complete and the implants have fully healed, the temporary prosthetic restoration is replaced with a final, custom-made prosthesis. This permanent bridge or denture is designed to fit comfortably and functionally, providing a natural-looking and durable solution for missing teeth.

Follow-up Care and Maintenance

Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor the health of the implants and prosthetic restoration. Patients will also receive guidance on proper oral hygiene practices and routine maintenance to ensure the longevity of their "All-on-4" or "All-on-6" dental implants.

Our Clients Say

"Testimonials provide a sense of what it's like to work with you, or what it's like to use your products and services."

Robert Rose, Product Designer

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